thyrthyrth » rtrthyrtgrtgt - ბლოგზე aajj შესვლა

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thyrthyrth : rtrthyrtgrtgt

** ვიზიარებ blog **

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შექმნა: 03/05/2010 04:15
განახლება: 03/05/2010 04:16
სტატიები 1
ვიზიტები კვირის 3697
სულ ვიზიტები 774

thyrthyrth :: rtrthyrtgrtgt

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United States - aajj
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ნივთების დახარისხების საწყისი უძველესი to უახლესი!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif მუხლი: Elementer Build and Psykeeper Build in Flyff - 03/05/2010 04:16

Psykeeper, given with the power of psychic ability they can destroy enemies with the use of their own mind. They can make enemies suffer and become weak, and not only they can weaken monsters but they can also protect from themselves with their own abilities. One of the builds for psykeeper is more sta than int on which we can apply the 20 point gap. Psykeeper are said to be one of the soloist that can easily kill boss specially with a good build and a right equipment(Flyff gold). Pure int can be also applied with psykeeper but the problem with this build as many magicians do is that it's very hard to level up because you get low hp and you need at least to have a party.